VISITORS - Ideation

A selection of renderings and for a possible immersive installation & AR experience using a directional cosmic ray detector, projection mapping, lighting design, sculpted tulle and AR headset / AR on mobile.

The cosmic ray detector is in a tetrahedon formation, containing 4 scintillators; one at each vertex. This allows modelling of the direction of cosmic ray activity. Each reading will be accetuated by projection mapping, lighting and dynamic AR animations on and around the sculpture.

The rendering below feature various ideas for assembling a fascinating tulle form in a gallery space. The cosmic ray detector will be nestled inside, pulsing waves of light and explosions of particles around the space with each new reading.

Above: Inspriation from other artists working with Tulle in a sculptural way. The process is very quick and intuitive, involving heating the fabric to sculpt large, stable, expressive forms.

Christo Squier

Composer /
Creative Director /  
Multidisciplinary artist /

Christo Squier

Composer / Creative Director / Performer / Artist